Wednesday 29 September 2010

Ed Miliband

I've been watching the Ed and Dave show play out over the last couple of days, and it is impossible to suppress a comment... I am trying hard to avoid the "Bambi" epithet given to Tony Blair, but since winning the Labour leadership contest Ed Miliband has resembled nothing so much as a deer in the headlights - literally. Eyes wide, mouth open, ohmygodwhathaveidone panic. And he deserves it. What started out as yet another little jape to annoy big brother has come home to roost big time. The contrast between their speeches to the Labour conference couldn't have been greater. Ed came across as inauthentic and shallow - there just wasn't anything there. I don't blame Dave at all for stepping aside to let Ed get on with it (although if I hear one more protestation from either side about how much they love their brother I will retch). Why allow yourself to be associated with this train wreck? Much more fun to watch from the sidelines.

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