Monday 4 May 2009

Maybe Obama is himself the solution

Thank God the Americans now have a President they can feel good about. He inherited the perfect storm of a mess on the economic front and he has wasted no time in rushing through measures such as the stimulus package. However, it is still too early to see results. Yet 100 days into his Presidency 70% of Americans like him as a person and 60% like how he is handling the job. Since a major factor in how deep this recession goes and how long it lasts is business and consumer confidence, this "feel good factor" may be enough in itself to tip the balance in the right direction.
Here in the UK we are not similarly blessed. With GB it is less "feel good" and more "feel sick". This is a lesson for the Tories though - re-branding themselves as the austerity party may chime with the times, but we also need a little inspiration. Dare I say it, a little hope.

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